Heat Pump Trial Success
We have been making preparations to supply heat pumps and before doing that we needed to be sure of the brand, and become more familiar with heat pumps in general. So we installed a Clivet Edge Evo 61 air source heat pump to one of our houses as a trial.
It went in very easily with nothing more than an initial flow alarm which was solved by venting some air, and has been running for a couple of months now without a hitch. We’re optimising the setup a little, tweaking the temperatures down to make it more efficient, and adding in consumption monitoring.
The trial is a success and we now know our confidence in the kit is justified. As you know there’s a bit of a rush on before the end of the RHI, so you may well be booked solid. If you need a heat pump then we have stock of: Clivet Edge Evo 21, 31, 41, 61, 71 and 81 models. You can get the Clivet tech spec via the downloads page.
We also have common heat pump accessories ready and in stock.
For the moment we will only supply them to our trade accounts holders who are already familiar with, and have done, heat pump installations.