Information for biomass customers and RHI
In Spring 2015, it will be mandatory to obtain biomass fuel from an approved supplier for anyone who is claiming the Renewable Heat Incentive. Currently the directory can be found at -
This address may change closer to the time. Crucially though it is very important that receipts are kept as proof of purchase from an approved supplier, otherwise claimants risk loosing their RHI payments.
Any company who wishes to supply biomass fuel, or even certify as a 'Self-Supplier' ( grow your own timber to burn in your own biomass boiler only), then you will need to register your details here-
The timber will have to abide by strict criteria, primarily it must meet a lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions target of 60 per cent GHG savings against the EU fossil fuel average.
Fuels that are covered are:
Pellets virgin
Pellets waste
Pellets waste virgin blend
Briquettes virgin
Briquettes waste
Briquettes waste virgin blend
Chip virgin naturally seasoned
Chip virgin force dried
Chip waste
Chip waste virgin blend
Firewood virgin naturally seasoned
Firewood virgin force dried
Firewood waste
Firewood waste virgin blend